

Comments Off on Testimonials 07 July 2010

Monica Willfors
Special needs teacher, Torpa School

Lars Olsson
Special needs teacher, Sunnerbo High school

Anneli Nilsson
Child minders and resource teacher, Kungshögs School

Maria Andersson-Strandberg
Special needs teacher, Ekebacks School


Researches on Dyslexia

Comments Off on Researches on Dyslexia 07 July 2010

Martin Ingvar, professor at Karolinska Institute and chairman of the Swedish Dyslexia Association.

Christer Jacobsson, Associate Professor at Wexio University, with reading and writing disabilities as his research area. He has supervised the evaluation of the Rydaholm Method.

Joe  Torgesen (Research  Professor  of  Psychology           and Education  at  Florida  State  University)

The Rydaholm Method

The Rydaholm Method

Comments Off on The Rydaholm Method 05 July 2010

“The Rydaholm Method appears today as a spearhead in dyslexia pedagogy” 
quotation from Martin Ingvars book “A small book about dyslexia”

The effects of dyslexia must not be a life-long verdict.
The dyslexics reading capability just need more training than an average reader.

Dyslexia is a hereditary disability to master the written language.
You can’t ‘cure’ dyslexia with training but you can alleviate the adverse effects.

Many dyslexics have developed compensatory methods to a degree where they no longer consider their dyslexia as a problem.
Even if a dyslexic person can manage well the problem with spelling, when it comes to switching to another language the problems will reappear.

By practicing the basic elements the student with a reading difficulty can reach a level of automaticity where fluent and comprehensive reading is achieved.

Martin Ingvar, professor at Karolinska Institute and chairman of the Swedish Dyslexia Association.

Karl-Erik Petersson

After having worked with students with reading difficulties for many years, Karl-Erik Petersson found a method that greatly enhanced the reader’s automaticity.

During a long period he tested all available reading methods. Since he had little or no success he started to combine old methods with new findings in reading research.

Inspired by lectures by professor Martin Ingvar, Karl-Erik Petersson started to experiment with old material together with material of his own.

The new approach and the decisive difference from other methods was the intensity of the training. To his delight he noticed a pronounced increase in his student’s reading ability.

Rydaholm Method is based on the following keynotes

Rydaholm Method is based on the following keynotes:

~ Simple and clear structure
~ Simple materials
~ Short, intensive session
~ Focus on decoding
~ Automaticity
~ Progress made visible
~ Sustainability

July 2010
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